Hello There
This is Ebubeker Rexha

Frontend and Backend Developer with great skills in JavaScript, React JS and Node JS. I develop all type of web apps including Ecommerce websites.

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This website was built as an official page for an instagram account. It has a blog, and a products section which can be edited through the admin site. It ain't an ecommerce website because it only promotes posts, it is only for affiliate marketing.

  • Mongo
  • Express
  • View Engine
  • Node

Smilee Social

Smilee is a project where I worked to make the current social media website (RaySocial) better. Ray social was having a lot of problems so it was not worth to waste too much time in it. I used React and firebase for this.

  • React
  • Firebase
  • Styled-Components

KF Vllaznia Website

This website was done to practice mostly my backend skills. I also had a ton of job to do in rect too. I will say I'm proud of this project, even though it hasn't been finished completely.

  • GraphCMS
  • Graphql
  • Next Js
  • CSS

Golden Meat

This is a Restaurant page which showcases the Restaurant and its services including online service. It also has a job section and a Menu page. The websit e is loaded up with images and it has a great and beautiful UI with great fonts.

  • Next.js
  • CSS

Medreseja Library

This is a project that I have done for my school in order to register the books online. It was a bit tough but I managed to finish doing it. It has made the registration and the book lending way more easier than it was.

  • React Js
  • Node Js
  • MongoDB
  • Axios


I have worked with the most important web development technologies in the Backend and in the Frontend.

  • Front-end

    Good experience with

  • Back-end and Databases

    Experience in Node.js/Express.js
    and Mongo DB

  • UI/UX Design

    Basic experience with
    Figma & Photoshop

About Me

This last year I achieved many accomplishments. The reason behind this was the Focus and Confidence I had when I competed in some coding olympiads. My goals were realistic. I didn't expect to win any of the achievements. Firstly I won the regional Olympiad in informatics which hyped me up a bit, but I managed to calm myself down and get focused for the next stage. I didn't have any huge expectations about winning the national Olympiad in informatics. I was expecting to rank as high as possible. One day my professor called me and said that I received first place in the National Olympiad. I don't remember having a more beautiful day than that. It was just amazing. It was a reward for the hard work that I have put into it. Now in November, I also competed in the Balkan Olympiad In Informatics (BOI). I didn't have any great ranking here, but just participating in this Olympiad is an achievement. Competing with the best programmers around the world was an honour for me. My goal is to go as far as I can without forgetting the things that God gave to me. Another important thing is not to neglect the people that helped me to come till here. My only goal is to be good to myself and the people that surround me. I think that the things I went through made me who I am and I am glad that I had to go through these things, we shouldn't be sad about our failures, but we should use them as a weapon to improve ourselves. I'm currently most focused in Web Development, both as Full Stack and Front-End.

Personal Achievements


Open Source Projects


Olympiads competed and some of them won


Hours of learning

Innovating one project at a time